A Sustainable Solution for Achieving Water Conservation & ZLD Objectives
Say NO to Waste Water RO & MEE for Achieving ZLD Objective
A Sustainable Solution for Water Conservation & ZLD Objectives
High COC Operation of Cooling Tower (15-20)
Reduction In Carbon Footprint (Global Concern)
Conserve Natural Resources Water & Energy
ROI In NO Time Maximum 12-18 Months
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About Us

We are a technology based company offering a unique, non conventional, sustainable solution to achieve water conservation and Zero Liquid Discharge solutions. “SCALEBAN” eliminates the need of conventional technologies like wastewater RO and Multiple Effect Evaporators (MEE), which consume excessive energy, leading to high CO2 emissions which has become a global concern.

Chemical & Pharmaceutical Plants

“SCALEBAN” technology can successfully utilize high TDS wastewater like ETP treated water/RO rejects in existing utility/process cooling tower at high COC (15-20) eliminates/minimize technologies for achieving water conservation and ZLD goals.



Currently, power plant cooling towers worldwide are typically operated at a low cycle of concentration (COC) of 3–4, leading to increased cooling tower blowdown and consequently higher water demand for power plants.

“SCALEBAN” technology guarantees scale, corrosion, and biofouling-free operations throughout the entire cooling tower circuit while allowing cooling towers to operate at high COC levels (15–20). This leads to a 90% reduction in cooling tower blowdown, significantly lowering water demand for power plants and achieving water conservation objectives sustainably.


“SCALEBAN” technology eliminates the need for conventional technologies such as CPU, wastewater RO, and MEE (Evaporator) to achieve ZLD goals. It directly utilizes process condensate, RO rejects, and WTP rejects in distillation, fermentation, liquefaction, and power plant cooling towers at high COC (15-20). Additionally, “SCALEBAN” technology eliminates the need for a softener for cooling tower makeup, thereby reducing the generation of high TDS (salty) wastewater during softener regeneration, stopping wastewater generation  at source .


Globally, all vegetable oil and oleochemical plants generate large volumes of wastewater daily basis, which is treated and discharged externally. “SCALEBAN” technology effectively utilizes treated process wastewater in cooling towers at high COC (15-20) without affecting the system performance, eliminating the need for fresh water for cooling tower makeup for achieving water conservation and ZLD goals in a sustainable manner.

HVAC Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning

Despite operating utility cooling towers at a lower COC (3-4) using soft or potable water, chiller condensers often experience scaling and fouling issues, impacting condenser efficiency and increasing energy consumption. With “SCALEBAN” technology, high TDS wastewater, RO rejects, and TSE water can be directly utilized at a higher COC (15-20) while maintaining optimal condenser performance and efficiency. This not only saves energy but also supports water conservation objectives.

Fertilizers & Petrochemicals plants

In fertilizer and petrochemical plants, cooling water chemistry is critical, and chloride restrictions often limit cooling towers operations to low COC (3-4), causing high CT blowdown. Recovering this CT blowdown water with wastewater RO involves high CAPEX and OPEX and generates large RO rejects, requiring costly treatment via MEE (Evaporator).

“SCALEBAN” technology enables cooling towers to operate efficiently at high COC (15-20) without compromising system performance, even with high chloride content (10000ppm) in the cooling tower circulation water. This reduces cooling tower blowdown by 90%, supporting fertilizer and petrochemical plants for achieving water conservation and ZLD goals sustainably.

Water Conservation
Water Conservation
Water Conservation
Water Conservation
Water Conservation
Water Conservation
Water Conservation

Highlights of "Scaleban" Technology

"SCALEBAN" technology outperforms conventional wastewater treatment technologies available globally in many aspects;

  • Achieving water conservation & ZLD objectives on a sustainable basis.
  • 80% savings in CAPEX.
  • 80% savings in OPEX.
  • NO energy required to operate.
  • Reduction in CO2 emission.
  • 100% elimination of fresh water for cooling tower makeup requirements.
  • Zero Footprint – Being an online equipment.
  • Quick ROI (within 12-18 months).
  • Fastest implementation (6-8 weeks).
  • Zero maintenance
  • Equipment life 20 years.
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Water Saving Perday (gallon)

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Wastewater utilized in last five years (gallon)

“Where other see walls, We see door of opportunities"

Vision & Mission

To help Society and Industries to conserve our precious natural resources i.e. WATER & ENERGY on a sustainable basis


We are an ethical company and our commitment is everything to us.

MD's View

According to the United Nations, over 2.2 billion people around the globe lack access to clean and safe drinking water. Additionally, more than 40% of the global population faces water scarcity issues, highlighting the critical importance of sustainable water management and conservation efforts. Our company stands committed to protecting society and future generations by conserving two of our most valuable resources: water and energy. With an unwavering dedication to ethics and sustainability, we have developed advanced technologies that deliver remarkable results.

Water Treatment Plant

Mr. Pankaj Kumar


Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is an innovative technology that aims to eliminate liquid waste from industrial processes. It involves treating wastewater and helping in Water Conservation, resulting in no fluid discharge into the environment. ZLD is becoming increasingly popular among industries as it offers a sustainable and cost-effective way to manage wastewater. The process not only helps in Water Conservation but also helps to minimize the environmental impact of industrial waste. We specialize in providing ZLD solutions for various industries. Our team of experts is committed to providing customized solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. With our ZLD technology, we can help your business achieve a sustainable future while reducing your environmental footprint. We at “SCALEBAN” emphasize on direct use of wastewater in cooling towers in place of freshwater without affecting the plant performance to optimize the water treatment process on a sustainable basis. “SCALEBAN” technology outclasses other globally available conventional technologies for water treatment process like wastewater RO & Evaporator (MEE) in many ways.

Our clients have experienced transformative benefits through our waste water reuse solutions. By implementing Scaleban, they have achieved cost-effective zero liquid discharge solutions and made substantial strides in water conservation. “SCALEBAN” not only enables Zero Liquid Discharge across various industries but also contributes to global water savings. It empowers us to fulfill our mission of serving society while preserving and conserving resources.  SCALEBAN works on the theme, “CONSERVE…PRESERVE…SERVE”


Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is an innovative solution that aims to eliminate liquid waste from industrial processes. It involves treating wastewater and helping in Water Conservation, resulting in no fluid discharge into the environment. ZLD is becoming increasingly popular among industries as it offers a sustainable and cost-effective way to manage wastewater. The process not only helps in Water Conservation but also helps to minimize the environmental impact of industrial waste. We specialize in providing ZLD solutions for various industries. Our team of experts is committed to providing customized solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. With our ZLD solution, we can help your business achieve a sustainable future while reducing your environmental footprint. We at “SCALEBAN” emphasize on direct use of wastewater in cooling towers in place of freshwater without affecting the plant performance to optimize the water treatment process on a sustainable basis. “SCALEBAN” technology outclasses other globally available conventional technologies for water treatment process like wastewater RO & Evaporator (MEE) in many ways.

Corporate Office

#212, Silver Sanchora Castle, R.N.T. Marg, Indore – 452001,
Madhya Pradesh, India
Phone: +91 731 4041974, 4084402
Email: [email protected]

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