BIOCON BIOLOGICS is an Indian company and has a large insulin manufacturing facility in Malaysia. As per DOE (Department of Environment) norms in Malaysia, they were allowed to discharge only 400 m3/ day treated wastewater outside the plant after achieving discharge limit parameters, because of this restriction and variation in the raw wastewater parameters, they were not able to achieve their full production. Due to this serious issue they were searching for technologies to recycle their 400 m3/day wastewater within the plant to utilize optimum capacity of the plant.


Due to variation in the wastewater parameters, No technology supplier was able to provide a solution to treat their wastewater, as all available conventional technologies are designed on the basis of fixed design wastewater parameters thereby recycling of wastewater project was getting delayed and affecting the plant production.

BIOCON Approach to adopt “SCALEBAN” technology:

BIOCON came across “SCALEBAN” Technology through their industrial references/interactions with our existing clients in India and outside India. After getting good performance feedback of “SCALEBAN” Technology with our
clients in India & abroad, BIOCON Biologics, awarded a contract to “Scaleban” to utilize their 400m3/day high TDS wastewater at 5Nos. x 1060TR Chiller condenser Cooling Towers in place of fresh water for achieving water
conservation and ZLD on a sustainable basis. This project was commissioned in the month of August 2021.
After successful operation of the “SCALEBAN” project, BIOCON awarded repeat order to “SCALEBAN” for their another facility in Malaysia to utilize 200m3/day utility RO reject in the Chiller and SRP Cooling Tower.

“SCALEBAN” technology is handling total 600m3/day wastewater in all the Cooling Towers successfully and achieving their water conservation and ZLD objectives on a sustainable basis ,also saving equal amounts of fresh water. In the “SCALEBAN” process we are operating a cooling tower at very high COC (20-25) with wastewater and maintaining 80,000 ppm ;of TDS in cooling tower recirculation water and giving only 15 m3/day concentrated blowdown, which Biocon is handling separately.

Details of Process plant cooling tower

Parameters of wastewater (makeup) / cooling tower recirculation water

"SCALEBAN" water conservation & ZLD Scheme

Achievements of the “SCALEBAN” Project for Biocon

  • Achieved water conservation and ZLD objectives on a sustainable basis.
  • Saving in high CAPEX of MEE (Evaporator).
  • Saving in high OPEX of MEE (Evaporator).
  • 100% saving of fresh water consumption in cooling towers.
  • Completed project in 6-8 weeks.
  • Considerable reduction in Carbon footprint.
  • High COC operations of the cooling tower.
  • Substantial reduction in cooling tower blowdown quantity.
  • Zero scale, corrosion and biofouling free operation of the entire cooling tower circuit including chiller condensers.
  • Maintained chiller approach.
  • Saving in energy consumption.
  • No down time of the plant.
  • By implementing Scaleban technology Biocon contributed in achieving UN
    sustainable development goal no. 6,7,13,14.

Chiller cooling tower circulation TDS


"SCALEBAN" Installation

Zero Liquid Discharge


Appreciation of "SCALEBAN" technology at BIOCON Malaysia

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT : Biocon Biologics Sets a New Standard in Sustainability by Reducing Freshwater Consumption by 30%

We are thankful to BIOCON Biologics, Malaysia for implementing “SCALEBAN” Technology for achieving water conservation and the ZLD  system.