Zld solutions

ZLD For Industries : A Key to Environmental Responsibility

The environment frequently suffers the most as a result of human innovation in a constant effort of industrial growth. The way of life is currently moving towards a more sustainable future, nevertheless. The use of Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) systems by industries worldwide represents a significant step in this direction. At SCALEBAN, we recognize the pressing issues of water scarcity and the immediate requirement for energy preservation. Our company was established with a visionary mission to confront these two vital global dilemmas: WATER CONSERVATION and ENERGY CONSERVATION. We are committed to creating inventive and future-oriented solutions that not only directly address these challenges but also deliver enduring and sustainable outcomes for industries.

Scaleban’s Role in Attaining Environmental responsibility with Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) Solutions:

Scaleban technology provides an effective solution for fresh water conservation for industrial usages and achieving Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD). It accomplishes this by utilizing treated wastewater for cooling tower makeup, thus eliminating the need for freshwater. Simultaneously, it ensures the prevention of scale formation, corrosion, and biofouling completely. This technology also facilitates high Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) operation, typically ranging from 25% to 30%, reducing the need for cooling tower blowdown. This minimized blowdown can be repurposed for ash quenching, eliminating the need for wastewater Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Multiple Effect Evaporation (MEE).

The Scaleban system comprises three vital components: the SCALEBAN equipment, SCALEBAN Specialty Chemicals, and a glass media-based filtration system. By integrating these components, Scaleban technology efficiently manages wastewater with elevated TDS levels.

The core objective of Scaleban technology is the complete eradication of scale, corrosion, and biofouling within the cooling tower circuit. Scale refers to the accumulation of mineral deposits on heat transfer surfaces, which impairs efficiency and increases energy consumption. Corrosion poses a risk to equipment and piping systems, leading to leaks and system breakdowns.

Scaleban technology excels in maintaining the optimal performance and prolonging the operational lifespan of cooling tower systems by effectively preventing scale formation, corrosion, and biofouling. Furthermore, by using wastewater in cooling towers, it significantly reduces the demand for freshwater, actively contributing to water conservation initiatives and endorsing sustainable water management practices maintaining the environmental responsibilities.

Advantages of Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) solutions for Environment:

Preserving Water Resources

Industries heavily consume water, and global water scarcity is looming. Zero Liquid Discharge aids water conservation by recycling industrial wastewater, decreasing reliance on freshwater, and safeguarding ecosystems. Implementing ZLD with Scaleban will ensure a stable water supply for the future, mitigating the impending crisis of industries.

Mitigating Environmental Impact

Unprocessed industrial wastewater poses significant environmental risks, including harm to aquatic life, ecosystem disruption, and contamination of the food chain. Scaleban technology with ZLD systems prevent these issues by treating and eliminating contaminants, promoting global environmental conservation and protecting local ecosystems.

Use our ZLD Solutions to transform now for a greener tomorrow!

Economic Viability

While ZLD systems require a significant initial investment, the long-term benefits are evident. They lead to reduced operational costs by recycling water, ensure compliance with environmental regulations, and avoid fines. Zero Liquid Discharge is a smart business decision and an eco-friendly choice.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Adopting ZLD becomes a pillar of corporate social responsibility in a time when stakeholders and customers are more aware of environmental challenges. Consumers, investors, and the general public have a more favourable opinion of businesses that adopt sustainable practices. ZLD is thus more than just a technology advancement, enhancing the industry’s reputation.

A Global Imperative

Global environmental challenges require international action. Zero Liquid Discharge technology is a shared imperative demanding cooperation among businesses, governments, and communities. Widespread adoption of ZLD is essential for a sustainable planet, necessitating international collaboration in sharing expertise, technology, and regulations.

zld solutions

Use our ZLD Solutions to transform now for a greener tomorrow!

Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

In order to build a sustainable future, it is crucial to have access to clean water and sanitary facilities. SDG 6 aspires to protect communities from waterborne diseases and enhance general wellbeing by tackling water scarcity, pollution, and inadequate sanitation. Achieving this objective will help create societies that are resilient and sustainable.

Goal 13: Climate Action

The urgency of preventing climate change and all of its harmful impacts is emphasised by climate action. It urges concerted effort to slow the pace of rise in the average world temperature, boost resilience, and encourage environmentally friendly behaviours. It places particular emphasis on these issues. It opens the way for a low-carbon, climate-resilient future while promoting responsible consumption, safeguarding the welfare of both present and future generations. These objectives represent the core of integrated and interrelated sustainable development.


At Scaleban, to uphold commitment to the environment, we ensure Zero Liquid Discharge for Industries is not just a treatment procedure. As more companies adopt ZLD systems, they help conserve water, have a smaller negative impact on the environment, and are more economically viable. ZLD is more than just a solution at Scaleban, it represents a dedication to a sustainable future in which economic development and environmental protection coexist together.