Water Treatment Process in India

How is ZLD Technology Revolutionising the water treatment process in India?

India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, with a rapidly expanding industrial sector. However, this growth has come at a cost, with water scarcity becoming an increasingly pressing concern. In recent years, the Indian government has recognized the need for sustainable water management practices and has placed an emphasis on the adoption of Zero Liquid Discharge technology in India. In this blog post, we will discuss how ZLD technology is revolutionizing the water treatment process in India.

Scaleban Equipment Pvt. Ltd. is the world’s only company providing a unique and sustainable technology for water treatment plants and Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) objectives globally i.e. without/optimizing wastewater RO and Evaporator (MEE) which consume a high amount of power and steam to operate resulting in high CO2 emission which is again a global concern.

We at Scaleban emphasize on direct use of wastewater in cooling towers in place of freshwater without affecting the plant performance to optimize the water treatment process on a sustainable basis. With this disruptive technology, the cooling tower circuit can be easily operated at High COC (15-20) & at very high TDS of 25%-30% by ensuring scale-free, corrosion-free, and bio-fouling-free operations of condenser/ heat exchangers including the entire cooling tower circuit.

How is ZLD Technology Revolutionizing the water treatment process in India?

Reducing water consumption

ZLD technology in India helps to reduce water consumption by recycling and reusing treated water in the facility’s processes. By reusing water, the amount of freshwater needed for industrial processes is significantly reduced. In a water-scarce country like India, where water resources are limited, this is particularly important. 

Minimizing wastewater discharge

ZLD technology helps the waste water treatment process in India by eliminating liquid wastewater discharge from a facility. This means that the treated water stream can be safely discharged into the environment without causing harm to aquatic life. The solid waste stream can be further treated or disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner, further reducing the facility’s impact on the environment.

Improving environmental sustainability

ZLD technology plays a critical role in improving environmental sustainability. By reducing water consumption and minimizing wastewater discharge, facilities can significantly reduce their environmental impact. In addition, by reusing treated water, facilities can reduce the amount of freshwater taken from natural sources, helping to preserve these resources for future generations.

Meeting regulatory requirements

ZLD technology can help facilities meet regulatory requirements for wastewater discharge. India has strict regulations for the discharge of wastewater into the environment. ZLD technology in India can help facilities comply with these regulations by eliminating liquid waste discharge and treating wastewater to a level that is safe for discharge into the environment.

ZLD technology is being increasingly adopted in India across a wide range of industries, including the textile, pharmaceutical, chemical, and power generation industries. ZLD technology is helping these industries to significantly reduce their water consumption, minimize wastewater discharge, save money, improve environmental sustainability, and meet regulatory requirements.

Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) technology plays a significant role in supporting several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In particular, ZLD is directly related to SDG 6, SDG 7, and SDG 13.

SDG 6 aims to ensure access to water and sanitation for all. ZLD technology helps to achieve this goal by reducing water consumption and minimizing wastewater discharge. By reusing treated water, ZLD technology helps water conservation and makes them more accessible for communities. This helps ensure that water resources are used sustainably and that access to clean water is improved.

SDG 7 aims to ensure affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. ZLD technology can help achieve this goal by reducing the energy required to treat wastewater. Implementing ZLD technology helps in the water treatment process in India by recycling and reusing treated water and promoting more sustainable water use.

SDG 13 aims to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. ZLD technology supports this goal by reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with the water treatment process in India. By recycling treated water and minimizing wastewater discharge, ZLD technology reduces the need for energy-intensive treatments, such as reverse osmosis, which can produce significant greenhouse gas emissions.

Scaleban is a technology-based company offering a sustainable solution to different types of industries for optimizing ZLD & Water Conservation objectives without minimizing the use of costly conventional technologies like RO and Evaporator which requires very high CAPEX and OPEX. This technology was developed in the year 1999 to address the problems of the water treatment process in India with the clear objective of creating non-conventional ways to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge/ water treatment solutions in different types of industries on a sustainable basis without/minimized use of costly and conventional technologies that consume huge power and steam to operate which further results in the emission of Carbon gases, affecting our environment which is a global concern.

In conclusion, Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) technology is revolutionizing the water treatment process in India by promoting more sustainable and efficient water use. The benefits of ZLD technology are numerous, including reducing water consumption, minimizing wastewater discharge, and promoting more sustainable energy use. As India continues to face significant water challenges, ZLD technology offers a promising solution for meeting the country’s water needs while also promoting economic growth and environmental sustainability. With the increasing adoption of ZLD technology across various industries in India, the country is poised to become a leader in sustainable water management and a model for other nations to follow. Get in Touch with us for any query related to the water treatment process in India.