Jubilant Pharmova Ltd, Nanjangud Plant has optimised water conservation and ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge) objectives on a sustainable basis by implementing unique, revolutionary , sustainable, “SCALEBAN ” technology by minimising load on costly conventional technologies like RO & MEE.

Background of ‘SCALEBAN’ Project:

Jubilant Pharma Limited is a global integrated pharmaceutical company offering a wide range of products and services to their customers across geographies. Jubilant has its pharma business into three segments i.e.
‘Specialty Pharmaceuticals’ comprising Radiopharmaceuticals (including Radiopharmacies) and allergy therapy products.

CONCERN for Jubilant

High operating cost of existing ZLD system was the concern for Jubilant

JUBILANT Approach:

Jubilant came across ‘SCALEBAN’ Technology through their industrial references/ interactions with our existing clients, to gain further confidence on our non conventional ‘SCALEBAN’ technology, Jubilant team visited few of our client sites. After verifying the performance of “SCALEBAN” technology, Jubilant implemented ‘SCALEBAN’ technology to utilize their 100m3/day wastewater in MEE cooling tower in place of fresh treated water at high COC for optimizing water conservation and ZLD (zero liquid discharge) objectives on a sustainable basis.

Achievements of the “SCALEBAN” Project

  • Reduction in load on conventional technologies like wastewater RO and
  • Saving in high operating cost of wastewater RO and MEE.
  • Completed project in 6-8 weeks.
  • Considerable reduction in Carbon footprint.
  • 100% Saving in fresh water consumption in the cooling tower.
  • High COC operations of the cooling tower.
  • Reduction in cooling tower blowdown quantity by 90%.
  • Zero scale, corrosion and biofouling free operation of the entire cooling
    tower circuit including heat exchangers.
  • No down time of the plant.
  • By implementing Scaleban technology Jubilant contributed in achieving
    UN sustainable development goal no. 6,7,13,14

After successful operation of the ‘SCALEBAN’ project, Jubilant awarded repeat order to implement ‘SCALEBAN’ technology at their another facility i.e. Jubilant Ingrevia Ltd at Gajraula (UP), India to utilize 150m3/day wastewater at pyridine plant cooling tower.

In ‘SCALEBAN’ process at Jubilant, Nanjangud, we are using 100 m3/day RO reject water (MEE feed) in cooling tower at very high COC (15-20) and saved high operating cost of MEE (Evaporator).

system details

Parameters of wastewater (Makeup) / cooling tower Recirculation water


We are thankful to JUBILANT group for implementing “SCALEBAN” Technology for achieving water conservation and ZLD system.