Zero Liquid Discharge

Breaking Boundaries: Zero Liquid Discharge Solutions Transforming Fertilizers Industries


In today’s world, sustainability has become a strong focus across industries. One sector that has faced increasing scrutiny due to its environmental impact is the fertilizer industry. The production of fertilizers requires substantial amounts of water, which often leads to wastewater disposal challenges. However, Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)  is transforming the way fertilizer industries manage their liquid waste. This blog post will explore the concept of ZLD and its potential to revolutionize the fertilizer industry by minimizing water consumption and environmental pollution.

Transform Fertilizer Industries with Zero Liquid Discharge

Understanding Zero Liquid Discharge

Zero Liquid Discharge is a waste water treatment & recycling process that aims to eliminate the discharge of any liquid waste from an industrial plant. Instead of disposing of wastewater into rivers, lakes, or oceans, ZLD systems treat the effluent through a combination of advanced technologies to recover water and valuable by-products. These systems typically involve multiple stages, including pretreatment, reverse osmosis, evaporation, and crystallization, to achieve complete water recovery.

Transform Fertilizer Industries with Zero Liquid Discharge

Scaleban Technology for Fertilizer Industry

The fertilizer industry faces unique challenges regarding water treatment processes and achieving Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) objectives. Conventional technologies like Reverse Osmosis (RO) and ZLD by Multi Effect Evaporator, while effective, often require significant capital and operational expenses, along with high energy consumption and emissions of carbon gases, contributing to environmental concerns. However, our technology-based company Scaleban offers an innovative and sustainable solution designed explicitly for the fertilizer industry.

Developed in 1999, Scaleban was created with the goal of finding non-conventional ways to achieve ZLD and water treatment solutions across various industries, while minimizing the use of costly and conventional technologies. The company’s primary focus is on optimizing water treatment processes without compromising plant performance and with a strong emphasis on water conservation.

One of the key applications of Scaleban technology in the fertilizer industry is the direct use of ETP treated water in cooling towers, replacing the need for freshwater. This approach despite using wastewater into cooling towers allows the COC in the cooling tower circuit at 15-20 and with a high total dissolved solids (TDS) of 25%-30%. Usage of ETP treated water in cooling towers eliminates freshwater consumption, higher COC only allows minimum blowdown from the cooling tower, and by using all the ETP treated water in cooling towers, the need for Wastewater RO and MEE is eliminated. Also by ensuring scale-free, corrosion-free, and bio-fouling-free operations of condensers, heat exchangers, and the cooling tower circuit, Scaleban technology outperforms traditional methods.

The advantages of Scaleban technology over conventional water treatment processes such as wastewater RO and ZLD evaporator scaling are numerous:

Cost Savings: Scaleban offers significant savings in both capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX) of up to 80% compared to conventional technologies.

Energy Efficiency and Reduced Emissions: Scaleban operates without the need for energy, resulting in a reduction of CO2 emissions, aligning with global environmental concerns.

Zero Footprint: As an online equipment solution, Scaleban technology minimizes the physical footprint required for installation and operation.

Quick Return on Investment (ROI): The implementation of technology allows for a rapid ROI within 12-18 months.

Easy Installation and Establishment of Results: This can be easily and quickly installed, and its benefits become evident immediately.

Long Equipment Life: The lifespan of equipment is up to 20 years, ensuring long-term sustainability and cost-effectiveness.

Improved Heat Exchanger Performance: Our water treatment process prevents scaling, corrosion, and biofouling, enhancing the performance and lifespan of heat exchangers.

Continuous Operation: Implementing technology eliminates the need for plant downtime, ensuring uninterrupted production processes.

By implementing this technology, the fertilizer industry can achieve its ZLD and water conservation objectives while realizing substantial cost savings, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing environmental impact. With its innovative approach, Scaleban is revolutionizing water treatment processes in the fertilizer industry, offering a sustainable and efficient solution for a more responsible and environmentally friendly future

UN Sustainability Goals

SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

SDG 7 aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. Implementing Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) solutions in industries supports SDG 7 objectives by reducing energy consumption and promoting clean energy practices. Traditional wastewater treatment methods, such as ZLD evaporator scaling and reverse osmosis, require significant amounts of energy to operate. In contrast, ZLD technologies, like Scaleban, offer a more energy-efficient alternative. By minimizing the use of energy-intensive processes, ZLD practices help conserve resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This aligns with SDG 7’s goal of promoting sustainable energy solutions and advancing the transition toward a low-carbon economy. Through the adoption of ZLD, industries contribute to the availability of affordable and clean energy while reducing their environmental impact.

SDG 14: Life Below Water

SDG 14 focuses on conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas, and marine resources. The discharge of untreated or poorly treated wastewater from industries poses a significant threat to marine ecosystems. ZLD practices play a vital role in supporting SDG 14 objectives by minimizing water pollution and protecting marine life. By treating wastewater to a high standard and recovering valuable resources, ZLD technologies prevent harmful pollutants from entering water bodies. This helps maintain water quality, preserve biodiversity, and promote the health and resilience of marine ecosystems. The adoption of ZLD practices in industries demonstrates a commitment to responsible water management and contributes to the conservation of life below water, as envisioned by SDG 14. By implementing ZLD technologies, industries actively support the sustainable use and protection of our oceans and contribute to the overall well-being of marine ecosystems.


Zero Liquid Discharge solutions have emerged as a powerful tool for transforming the fertilizer industry. By minimizing water consumption, reducing environmental pollution, and recovering valuable by-products, ZLD systems offer a sustainable and economically viable approach. As fertilizer companies strive to meet stringent environmental standards and address water scarcity challenges, adopting ZLD technologies becomes an imperative step toward a more sustainable future. The fertilizers sector can break boundaries with continued innovation and collaboration, setting new benchmarks for responsible and efficient production practices. Scaleban provides Zero Liquid Discharge in USA, India, Thailand, Europe, UK & Canada.